Learning through
play, stays

At home, give your curious little ones the right tool for their early development with ActiLearn sticker & rhyming activities

Learning through
play, stays

At home, give your curious little ones the right tool for their early development with ActiLearn sticker & rhyming activities

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2-3 years ₹ 799 ₹699 / month

2-3 years ₹ 799 ₹699 / month

From Countries  to Rivers to Birds to Buildings, discover and learn new information with every activity! Designed to help your transition to formal education.

From Countries  to Rivers to Birds to Buildings, discover and learn new information with every activity! Designed to help your transition to formal education.

  • 30 new worksheets every month

  • 7 creative supplies with each kit

  • 10 sticker Books

  • Child safe, non toxic materials

  • Pedagogist certified

Subscription Module

Our distinct programme

Subscription Module

Our distinct programme

How we stand out

Our holistic programme focusses on facilitating
deep learning to help your child’s foundational skills

Explore infinite
our reusable kits

Unique kits with
no repetitive

The complexity of
our activity grow
with your child

Video tutorials of
activities through
QR code scan

How we stand out

Our holistic programme focusses on facilitating
deep learning to help your child’s foundational skills

Explore infinite
our reusable kits

Unique kits with
no repetitive

The complexity of
our activity grow
with your child

Video tutorials of
activities through
QR code scan

Our Learning style

We push your child to develop limitless curiosity, and encourage
self motivated learning from a early age.

Teach The Child

Inquisitive Learning

  • Intrinsically Motivated

  • Learning by curiosity

  • Interest in knowledge through play

Teach The Curriculum

Acquisitive Learning

  • Extrinsically Motivated

  • Acquiring high scores on examinations to
    earn credentials

Our Learning style

We push your child to develop limitless curiosity, and encourage
self motivated learning from a early age.

Teach The Child

Inquisitive Learning

  • Intrinsically Motivated

  • Learning by curiosity

  • Interest in knowledge through play

Teach The Curriculum

Acquisitive Learning

  • Extrinsically Motivated

  • Acquiring high scores on examinations to
    earn credentials

What to Expect

Adjusting to school

Our kits help children acclamatise to a school environment by providing activities that give them a chance to collaborate and communicate


stickers to make
learning fun!

We focus on
building hands
on learning

We teach
your child to
problem solve

What to Expect

Adjusting to school

Our kits help children acclamatise to a school
environment by providing activities that give them
a chance to collaborate and communicate

stickers to make
learning fun!

We focus on
building hands
on learning

We teach
your child to
problem solve

Actilearn Changed the way my
child look at her work. She looks
forward it now!
Radha Swaroop, Mother
Best fix to your child’s boring
hours! Wonderful activities a
great to spend family time
Raunak Rao, Father
Amazing activities for toddlers.
My 2-year-old thoroughly enjoyed
doing these fabilous activities
Sunitha Kumar, Mother
Actilearn Changed the way my
child look at her work. She looks
forward it now!
Radha Swaroop, Mother
Best fix to your child’s boring
hours! Wonderful activities a
great to spend family time
Raunak Rao, Father
Amazing activities for toddlers.
My 2-year-old thoroughly enjoyed
doing these fabilous activities
Sunitha Kumar, Mother


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