Flashcards – Vegetables

Vegetable flashcards are designed to introduce kids to a variety of vegetables through bright pictures and simple facts, making learning enjoyable and engaging.

Children learn to identify different vegetables and learn fun facts about them.

Use these flashcards at home, in classrooms, or during playtime. They are also a great way to enhance a child’s vocabulary and knowledge about the animal kingdom.

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Actilearn icons  By ActiLearn Team (Author)

Price for one Material

Original price was: ₹1,800.00.Current price is: ₹1,200.00.

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6 in stock

Product Description

ActiLearn’s Vegetable Flashcards
– Visual Learning.
– Faster grasping and retention.
– Handy and travel-friendly cards.
– A great teaching tool for teachers and parents.

Holistic Skill Development

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